- Click on ‘Attendance’ from the left menu.
- Select ‘Data Upload’.
You can upload the attendance data of your organization using CSV files. A sample CSV file is provided as a template for preparing your CSV file before uploading it.
After uploading the file and submitting it, you will be able to view the file upload information on the ‘Data Upload List’. The status will be ‘Pending’ until the uploading process is complete.
Once the upload process is complete, you will see the Success Count and Error Count. The Success Count indicates the number of entries that have been successfully uploaded, while the Error Count represents the number of entries that were not uploaded due to errors. If there is an Error Count, an ‘Error File’ will be generated containing all the entries that were not uploaded. The reason for each entry not being uploaded will be displayed in the ‘Remarks’ column of the Error File. You can correct the information in the Error File and re-upload it if necessary.